Fugitive is an amazing plugin for Vim. It integrates a lot of Git functionality into the editor. Part of it is that you can just run the commands from inside git like :G commit. But it offers so much more and I want to document how to use some of those features. Mostly for my own sake because I can never remember them when I need them, but I hope it can help others as well.


This shows the git status list of files. If you want a vertical view you can use :vertical G. A file can be staged or unstaged with s and u.

The files can be opened to view the full diff. = toggles the view. > (open) and < (close) can also be used to only open/close it instead of toggle. In the diff view you can stage individual hunks with s and unstage with u. o will open the file at the location under the cursor.

X can be used to discard a change (either a whole file or the hunk under the cursor).


Pressing dd (horizontal) or dv (vertical) opens a diff split where you can see the modifications and alter them. By going into visual mode and running :diffput you can stage individual lines rather than hunks. This also makes it easier if you want to save part of a line for the next commit. Copy the line, change one version to the “first commit” version, and keep the other line for the second version. Then use diffput to stage only the first version. Then delete the version you just staged. Now you have staged part of a line. This can be useful for example when you have implemented some functionality but deem it should be two separate commits, one that introduces the base functionality and another that adds some more complex arguments.

Note that you should only modify the right/bottom file of the split, as that is the one that reflects your current state. The other reflects how it looked before your changes.