
The W algorithm developed by J. Hindley and R. Milner is used to infer the types of a programming language where no types have been explicitly written. Several functional languages today use this kind of inference, for exampel F# and Haskell (although Haskellers still like to write out the types). The method works by assuming everything is a different generic type. The types of any pre-existing functions and any constants will be known before starting. So if there is a 0 in the code then that is an integer, 0.0 is a float, [] is a generic list.

Finding the types

Types with an apostrophe before them means they are generic. A type is written with the syntax variable_name : variable_type.

We begin with a simple example. Below we have the identity function written in F#. It takes in an element and returns back the same element.

let id x = x

To calculate the types of this function we start by setting all unknown values to a generic type.

x : 'a
id : 'b -> 'c

The variable x has the generic type 'a and the function id has the generic type of 'b -> 'c. Because the input of the function is x and x has the generic type 'a then the function input must also have the same type.

x : 'a
id : 'a -> 'c

The only possible output of this function is also the value of x. Thus the return value of the function must also be 'a.

x : 'a
id : 'a -> 'a

And now we’re done with that function. All values have been reduced to the same type. There are no further reductions to be done. The identity function has the type 'a -> 'a because it will always return the same value it is given.

A more complicated example

Below we have a function of which we do not know any of the types for.

let rec myfunc f xs =
  match xs with
  | []    -> []
  | x::xs -> f x :: myfunc f xs

We start by finding the types of all our constants and pre-existing functions and then giving a generic type to all our unknowns.

[] : 'a list
(::) : 'b -> 'b list -> 'b list
f : 'c
x : 'd
xs : 'e
myfunc : 'f

We can see that the parameters for myfunc are f and xs. Therefore 'f = 'c -> 'e -> 'g

f : 'c
x : 'd
xs : 'e
myfunc : 'c -> 'e -> 'g

To start figuring out what the types are we can start by looking at the match statement. It matches on xs and the first pattern it suggests that it is of type 'a list. The second pattern is a deconstructing pattern with the cons operator. Because of the :: operator that means x : 'b and xs : 'b list, and the return value of the :: operation and the second pattern match is therefore 'b list. We can therefore say that 'e = 'a list = 'b list, which in turn implies that 'd = 'a = 'b.

f : 'c
x : 'a
xs : 'a list
myfunc : 'c -> 'a list -> 'g

Now there’s only 'c and 'g left to figure out. We’ll start with 'g'. The return value of the first pattern match is an empty list 'h list. Note that this is the second empty list we use and it is not guaranteed to be the same type as the first. Same goes for the :: operator. The second pattern match returns the result of the :: operation, which we’ll call 'i list. If the cons operator is to work on its arguments the left side must be 'i and the right side must be 'i list. Therefore myfunc must return an 'i list. And since the only other return value of myfunc is 'h list we can draw the conclusion that 'g = 'h list = 'i list, which implies 'h = 'i. Since we said earlier that x : 'a and the left input to :: is 'h we know that f : 'a -> 'h.

f : 'a -> 'h
x : 'a
xs : 'a list
myfunc : ('a -> 'h) -> 'a list -> 'h list

And then we fix it up a little by using only the first letters of the alphabet.

f : 'a -> 'b
x : 'a
xs : 'a list
myfunc : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list

The final type of myfunc is ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list. Any experienced functional programmer should now see what function it is, if they didn’t already see it the second they saw the function definition. It is of course the famous map function, or more specifically the map function for lists.

Introducing a type error

Now lets say we instead have the same function but a :: switched out for a +.

let rec myfunc f xs =
  match xs with
  | []    -> []
  | x::xs -> f x + myfunc f xs

The plus operator has the type (+) : 'num -> 'num -> 'num where 'num symbolizes a generic number type (eg. int, float, double). This would mean that f : 'a -> 'num. But the returning value of myfunc can’t be a 'num because the first case of the pattern match says it’s an 'h list. Now we have reached a type error and compilation can stop here. This code will not compile because the types for + doesn’t match.

Exercise for the reader

let exercise l =
  match l with
  | []    -> 0
  | x::xs ->
    if x > 0 then
      x + exercise xs
      exercise xs